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Approved instructor for Retired P. O.& LEOSA .Pa & NJ Approved instructor for NJ CCW. Also approved instructor for the following states non-resident CCW De, Fl, & Md. Retired Deputy Conservation Officer, N. J. Division of Fish & Wildlife, Bureau of Law Enforcement. Certified Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor; Handgun, Shotgun, Patrol Rifle, Certified Tactical Shooting Instructor, & RSO with over 25 years of experience. Certified by N.J.Police Training Commission, NRA Law Enforcement Division,& NRA Civilian Instructor Division. For information regarding Training Courses, Contact me @ 215 416 0750 or e-mail me @ rotac2@gmail.com

Friday, June 19, 2015

May they rest in Peace!

First, please let me say to the families of those unfortunate individual that lost their lives to such a vicious and unnecessary act of violence, that my heart and prayers go out to them.  

Second, Mr President and former Security of State, and all you crazy left wing liberals, STOP  using unfortunate tragedies like this to promote your own political agenda!  

The fact is that this can and will happen again if the left with their liberal mentalities continue to promote their agenda.  They are in a state of denial and won't come out of their bubble regarding the conditions that we the American people are forced to deal with and live with, because of their inability to recognize and deal with the real and obvious problems that exist in our country and the world today.  To me it appears that they feel that if they do not recognize the problems than they will not have to come up with a proper solution to fix them.  They seem to deny the fact that their are bad people in the world and that their is very little that we the normal law abiding citizens can do to stop them.   Because of their DETERMINATION and the ineffective laws that are in effect. Law abiding citizen are at a point to where we are handcuffed and cannot do anything to stop them prior to them carrying out their hate and malicious attacks against good people.  The real example of this is the creations of "GUN FREE ZONES"!  That is just like putting up an invitation for these mentally deranged psychopaths and sociopaths.  We are screaming to them, easy target, come in and help yourself to what ever it is on your sick mind.  THIS MAKES ME SICK!

We live in a world today that emphasises the importance of Preparation!  To quote a Navy Seal who's name escapes me right now, (If you are involved in a Critical Deadly Force Incident)" You will never rise to the occasion, you will always default to the level of your training and preparedness".  The short version is, if you are not prepared you will lose!  So why after tragedy after tragedy are we still leaving our guard down.

It's amazing that our elected officials, judges, local, state, government worker, corporate executives just to name a few are all afforded the privilege of having armed security for their protection and as a viable deterrent against any imminent threat of serious bodily harm or death. But, our schools and places of worship are only protected by a sign that says, GUN FREE ZONE!   
This is idiotic to say the least!  

Just imagine what a difference it would have made in this situation and the others if there was a well trained individual or individuals that possessed the MINDSET that shit like this was not going to happen on there watch.  Even a trained legally carrying civilian, able to terminate the situation before it got so crazy would have made a significant difference.  But, oh my God, guns in churches!  We keep fire extinguishers and fire hoses in those establishments. DUH


To emphasis this point, imagine this scenario.  It's in the 1850's in a cattle town somewhere out west.  There is a drinking establishment fill with it's regular clientele.  Back then everyone worn a side arm, not just the bad guys.  Some deranged individual walks in to the place and starts shooting.  How long do thing that he would go from the vertical upright position to the horizontal more passive position.  Point made! 

Don't say that it not the same, because the violence is as prevalent today as it was back then!

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