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Approved instructor for Retired P. O.& LEOSA .Pa & NJ Approved instructor for NJ CCW. Also approved instructor for the following states non-resident CCW De, Fl, & Md. Retired Deputy Conservation Officer, N. J. Division of Fish & Wildlife, Bureau of Law Enforcement. Certified Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor; Handgun, Shotgun, Patrol Rifle, Certified Tactical Shooting Instructor, & RSO with over 25 years of experience. Certified by N.J.Police Training Commission, NRA Law Enforcement Division,& NRA Civilian Instructor Division. For information regarding Training Courses, Contact me @ 215 416 0750 or e-mail me @ rotac2@gmail.com

Friday, November 2, 2012

Received this from a friend.  Don't necessarily agree with everything, but most of the information is pretty valid.  FOR INFORMATION ON THE AUTHOR, AND THE VIDEO YOU CAN DO A SEARCH UNDER HIS NAME, JIM HIGGINBOTHAM, AND THE VIDEO IS ON U TUBE

The “Center Mass” Myth and Ending a
By Jim Higginbotham
Surviving a gunfight isn’t what you think it is.
Don’t let conventional wisdom get you killed. A well place
round to “center mass” in your attacker may not take him out of
the fight. Lots of people stay in the fight after “center mass” hits,
and some even win it. If you expect to win your gunfight, you
have to make sure that you have effectively ended the threat of
your attacker. One, two or even several well placed “center
mass” shots may not do what you think it will, and learning to
recognize this before you gunfight may save your life.
There is a self styled self defense “expert” under every rock, and
perhaps two behind every bush, these days. If you have a pet
theory on what might work on the street then you can probably
find a champion for that idea who actually charges people to
teach them that skill. But few of the experts out there have ever
been in gunfights, and even fewer have studied real gunfights to
see how things really work out when the bullets really fly for
There are more misconceptions out there than I can cover in one
article but the one that probably gets to me the most, even over
all the caliber wars that rage interminably in the print and cyber
media, is the nearly universal acceptance that shooting a
miscreant “center mass” with ________(fill in your favorite
make, model and caliber) shooting _________ (fill in your
favorite ammunition) hyper speed truck killer is practically
guaranteed to get the job done.
Having studied in this field from a number of decades, I have
run into plenty of cases where bullets did not do what folks
would have assumed. And I have now collected enough of these
that I think that rather than being anomalies, they are actually
closer to the norm. Center mass hits in a gunfight do not in most
cases end the fight. Erroneous assumptions can get you killed!
There is a well known video in training circles in which a
Highway Patrol officer shoots an armed subject 5 times “center
mass” (this is not my assessment but the statement of his
immediate supervisors which are interviewed on the full version
of the hour long tape) with his 4” .357 Magnum revolver firing
hollow point ammunition. All 5 hits failed to do the job and the
subject was able to fire one round which struck the officer in the
armpit. That round wondered around in the chest cavity and
found his heart. The officer unfortunately died at the scene and
his attacker is alive today.
In a class I conduct under the title “Fire For Effect” I start out by
showing a video of standoff in which a hostage taker is fired on
by police with .223 rifles and .40 caliber handguns. Throughout
the whole disturbing sequence, which lasts about 10 seconds, the
bad guy is hit multiple times in the torso with both rifle and
pistol rounds. You can see him place his non-firing hand to his
chest, clearly a lung is hit. However he is able to shoot his
hostage 3 times, not rapidly. The hostage, a trim female, is
active throughout the scene but later died from her wounds. In
this case both the attacker and the victim had “center mass” hits
that had no immediate effect.
I have accumulated confirmed incidents in which people have
been shot “center mass” up to 55 times with 9mm JHP
ammunition (the subject was hit 106 times, but 55 of those hits
were ruled by the coroner to be each lethal in and of themselves)
before he went down. During training at the FBI Academy we
were told of a case in which agents shot a bank robber 65 times
with 9mm, .223 and 00 buckshot – he survived! These are not
rare cases. The happen quite often.
If a gunfight ever comes your way, your attacker may fall to a
hit to the liver and he may not. He may fall to two or three hits
to the kidneys, intestines or spleen, but he may not. He will
certainly be in bad health. He likely will not survive, but what he
does for the next several seconds to a few minutes is not
guaranteed because you hit him “center mass.”
Heart and lung hits don’t statistically fare much better. I have
three students and three other acquaintances who were all shot in
a lung at the outset of gunfights. The students came to me after
their fights to learn how to keep from getting shot again. Last
time I checked all of those people were still alive and the people
who shot them are still dead. Every one of them was able to
respond effectively after being shot “center mass”, one might
even say they were shot in the “A-zone”. And they were shot
with .38 Special (three of them), 9mm, .357 Magnum and 8mm
Mauser, so it’s not all about caliber. One of those was a Chicom
12.7 mm round! He lived next door to me for many years.
So, what’s a person to do? First off, realize that one shot, even a
fairly well placed shot may not do the job so don’t set there and
admire your handiwork or wait for it to take effect. But even two
hits may not get the job done!
After years of trying to get a grasp on this I have come to look at
the results of shooting a living breathing target – be it a human
attacker or a game animal – as falling into 3 or 4 categories.
They are :
1. Instant Collapse – this takes place 1 to 2 seconds from the
shot being fired
2. Rapid Collapse – this can take from 3 to 15 seconds and is
quite common.
3. Marginal Effect – this can even be a lethal hit but it takes
from 15 to 300 (yes 300!) or even more seconds.
4. The 4th is simply unacceptable and is a total failure.
The last category we don’t like to discuss but happens too often .
We saw it recently in Washington with a Center Mass hit from
an officer’s pistol and the subject was still walking around the
next day.
What is “effective” shooting? Sad to say, it is demanding. It is
also, I think, variable depending on the conditions. For example,
the robber armed with a scattergun who is standing 10 feet away
must be stopped “right now!” If you do not bring about Instant
Collapse someone may very well die…that someone may be
On the other hand, if there is a gang banger launching bullets in
your general direction using un-aimed fire about 20 yards away
then a hit that brings about Rapid Collapse might do the job.
I cannot imagine a Marginally Effective result being very
desirable in any case, but it does buy you some time in some
How does this relate to hits? In order to achieve Instant Collapse
you must scramble the “circuitry” that keeps the bad guy on the
attack. That means the brain or spinal cord.
The head is not only a fairly difficult target to hit in the real
world – because it moves a lot – but it is also difficult to
penetrate and get a pistol bullet into the place it must be to be
effective. For normal purposes we might write off the head,
keeping it in reserve for very special circumstances.
The spine is not that easy to hit either. It isn’t large, and to be
effective the hit needs to be in the upper 1/3 of the spine or at a
point about level with the tip of the sternum. I think that is
around T11. But of course the huge problem is that it is hidden
by the rest of the body. We are the good guys, we don’t go
around shooting people in the back. So the exact location is
something that can only be learned through lots of practice on
3D targets. Your point of aim on the surface changes with the
angle at which the target is facing.
The bottom of the spine isn’t much use. I know of several
people shot in the pelvis. It did not break them down as many
theorize. I am not saying it doesn’t happen but in the only case I
know of in which it did the person who was “anchored” with a
.357 magnum to the pelvis killed the person that shot him – you
can shoot just fine from prone.
A shot, or preferably multiple shots to the heart and major
arteries above the heart (not below!) may achieve Rapid
Collapse, but not always. Officer Stacy Lim was shot in the
heart at contact distance with a .357 Magnum and is still alive
and her attacker is still dead! Score one for the good guys…or in
this case gals!
So now what constitutes Marginal Effectiveness? A hit to the
lungs! Even multiple hits to the lungs. Unfortunately though,
most often lung hits are effective in ending the fight because the
subject decides to quit the fight, not because he MUST. A
famous Colonel Louis LeGarde once wrote what is considered
“the” book on gunshot wounds. 65% of his patients shot through
the lungs – with rifles! – survived with the predominant
treatment being only bed rest!
Effective Practice and “Dynamic Response”
The goal of practice, one would think, is to make correct,
effective shooting techniques a matter of reflex, so that you
don’t have to think about what you are doing in a gunfight.
Most people will perform under stress at about 50 to 60% as
well as they do on the range…and that is if they practice a lot! If
they only go to the range once every other month that
performance level decreases dramatically. Shooting and
weapons handling are very perishable skills. Also folks tend to
practice the wrong stuff inadvertently. I put this in the
classification of “practicing getting killed” but that too is a topic
for another
Movement and Variation doesen’t mean
innacurate shooting. In a real gunfight you and
your adversary will most likely
Let’s talks
about a basic
response, what I call “Dynamic Response.” Situations vary and
this is not meant to be a universal answer, just one that will work
for about 80% of scenarios.
It is pointless to stand still on the range and shoot a stationary
target, unless you simply want to polish up some marksmanship
fundamentals. That is a necessary part of learning to shoot. But
if you are practicing for a fight, then fight!
Some rules.
1. Don’t go to the range without a covering garment – unless
of course you always carry your gun exposed (no
2. Don’t practice drawing your gun fast – ever! – while
standing still.
Part of the Dynamic Response is to step off the line of attack (or
on rare occasions that are dependent on circumstances
backwards or forwards) and present the weapon with as much
alacrity as you can muster and engage the target with
overwhelming and accurate fire! By the way, never assume a
fight is completely over just because you canceled one threat.
Don’t practice “standing down” too quickly. We have a video
attached which will hopefully give you the right idea.
I wish there was a formula of how to stand and how to hold you
gun but there really isn’t. We don’t do “Weaver vs. Isosceles vs.
Modern Iso vs. whatever”. We don’t do “Thumbs Crossed vs.
be moving. Click here if you can’t see the video.
Thumbs Forward vs. Thumb Up…never mind.” Those are things
for you to work out on your own. You use what makes YOU
effective not what works for a guy who practices 50,000 rounds
the week before a big match (that is not an exaggeration).
Competitive shooters will throw out advice on what works for
them. It may not work for you.
There is also not “one true gun”. Your skill is far more
important that what you carry, within reason. We are not really
talking about “stopping power”, whatever that is, here but rather
I can find no real measure – referred to by some as a
mathematical model – of stopping power or effectiveness. And I
have looked for 44 years now! Generally speaking I do see that
bigger holes (in the right place) are more effective than smaller
holes but the easy answer to that is just to shoot your smaller
gun more – “a big shot is just a little shot that kept shooting”.
True, I carry a .45 but that is because I am lazy and want to
shoot less. A good bullet in 9mm in the right place (the spine!)
will get the job done. If you hit the heart, 3 or 4 expanded 9mms
will do about what a .45 expanding bullet will do or one might
equal .45 ball….IF (note the big if) it penetrates. That is not
based on any formula, it is based on what I have found to
happen – sometimes real life does not make sense.
Practicing Dynamic Response means practicing with an open
mind. Circumstances in a real gunfight are unpredictable and the
more unpredictability you mix up into your practice the more
your brain will be preparing itself for a possible real gunfight.
In real life, your gunfight may be dark, cold, rainy, etc. The
subject may be anorexic (a lot of bad guys are not very healthy)
or he may be obese (effective penetration and stopping power of
your weapon). There are dozens of modifiers which change the
circumstance, most not under your control. My only advice on
this is what I learned from an old tanker: “Shoot until the target
changes shape or catches fire!” Vertical to horizontal is a shape
change, and putting that one more round into his chest at point
blank range may catch his clothes on fire, even without using
black powder.
We tell our military folks to be prepared to hit an enemy fighter
from 3-7 times with 5.56 ball, traveling at over 3,000 feet per
second. This approach sometimes worked, but I know of several
cases where it has not, even “center mass.”
With handguns, and with expanding bullets, it is even more
unpredictable, but through years of study I have developed a
general formula, subject to the above mentioned unpredictable
 2-3 hits with a .45
 4-6 with a .40
 5-8 with a 9mm
With a revolver, the rounds are not necessarily more effective
but I would practice shooting 3 in a .38 or .357 merely because I
want 3 left for other threats. Not that those next three won’t
follow quickly if the target hasn’t changed shape around my
front sight blade. A .41, .44 or .45 Colt I would probably drop to
two. Once again, they are not that much more effective than a
.45 Auto but I don’t have the bullets to waste.
In any case, I want to stress the part that it is more about how
you shoot than what you shoot, within reason. It is also more
about the mindset and condition of the subject you are shooting
which is not under your control. Take control – buy good bullets
and put them where they count the most! And remember
“anyone worth shooting once is worth shooting a whole lot!”
(but please stop when the threat is cancelled, we don’t advocate
“finishing shots”).
Gunfights are ugly things. I don’t like to talk about the blood
and guts aspects of defending life any more than the next guy.
But it is our lives we are talking about here. By researching how
gunfights are fought, and more importantly, how gunfights are
won, it may give both of us the edge if a gunfight ever comes
our way. I hope to cover many of the points I have learned and
learned to train others in over the coming months. It isn’t as easy
to write about it as it is to teach it in person, but you can only
succeed if you are willing to try.
I hope you enjoy the ride.
Press on!

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