About Me

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Aproved instuctor for N.J. & Pa. for the Retired LEO Programs. Approved instructor for both Florida & Delaware. Retired Deputy Conservation Officer, N. J. Division of Fish & Wildlife, Bureau of Law Enforcement. Certified Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor; Handgun, Shotgun, Patrol Rifle, & Certified Tactical Shooting Instructor, with over 20 years of experience. Certified by N.J.Police Training Commission (D.C.J.), NRA Law Enforcement Division,& NRA Civilian Instructor Division. For information regarding Training Courses, Contact me @ 215 416 0750 or e-mail me @ rotac2@gmail.com

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The three "R's" of Training

Today just going out and shooting your state's mandatory A.G.'s course of fire does not cut it. The courts and our communities expect us to perform at a much higher standard. This means that we must train and train our people to the highest level of reality. Sometime this is a bit harder than it should be, because of funds and the time it takes. But, anyone that carries a gun for work related issues can come up with a training regime that is suitable and relevant to their job and reason that they are carrying a gun. This pertains to law enforcement and, security officer's, as well as executive protection, armored car personnel or any type of protection detail and of course to any civilian. with a CCW PERMIT, that carries for self defense. If you carry a gun it is imperative that you become proficient with it. This means that you need to be able to hit your intended threat consistently at distances from 0' to 45'. And you need to be able to do this with hits to the center line of the body which will hopefully stop their aggressive actions in the shortest possible time. Generally, 3 shots center mass should accomplish this but don't count on it, be prepared to continue to shoot until the threat has stopped. As good as the handgun rounds have become we should all be aware that they are not all that effective at immediately shutting down an aggressive individual's behavior, especially if their on some type of drug. If you need to stop that aggression immediately you need a shotgun or a rifle. Most professionals will agree when asked the question, "What does a person do after their shot with a handgun round?" Their answer is usually the same. "The same thing that they were doing before they were shot". REMEMBER! you only shoot in self defense and your only objective is to stop the potential threat. Then scan for possible additional threats and be prepared to deal with them. IMPORTANT! Don't be in a hurry to re-holster the gun, MAKE SURE THE FIGHT IS OVER! You only need to be quick on your presentation, (getting it out of the leather).

When you train or when you are training others remember the THREE "R's".

The training to be effective must be, REALISTIC, Standing and shooting at static paper targets is not realistic training. you need to incorporate drills & scenarios in which you have to shoot and move, shoot at moving targets, shoot at multiple threats, shoot from different positions, shoot strong hand & support hand only, and of course utilization cover. the training must be RELEVANT to what your job is, and the training has to be RECENT. The training should always be challenging & updated to reflect the latest and most effective techniques.

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