About Me

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Approved instructor for Retired P. O.& LEOSA .Pa & NJ Approved instructor for NJ CCW. Also approved instructor for the following states non-resident CCW De, Fl, & Md. Retired Deputy Conservation Officer, N. J. Division of Fish & Wildlife, Bureau of Law Enforcement. Certified Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor; Handgun, Shotgun, Patrol Rifle, Certified Tactical Shooting Instructor, & RSO with over 25 years of experience. Certified by N.J.Police Training Commission, NRA Law Enforcement Division,& NRA Civilian Instructor Division. For information regarding Training Courses, Contact me @ 215 416 0750 or e-mail me @ rotac2@gmail.com

Monday, August 18, 2008


"The best training is the training you will never have to use!"

Clint Smith, Thunder Ranch

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Food for Thought

Train Hard, Fight Easier! Don't just train till you get it right, train so you can't get it wrong!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

"4" Cardinal Rules of Gun Safety

1. All Guns are always loaded!

2. Never point a Gun at anything you do not want to Destroy!

3. Keep your Finger out of the Trigger Guard and OFF of the Trigger until you are on target
and you have made the definitive decision to SHOOT!

4. Always be aware of your Target and what is Beyond your Target!

Violating any of these rules will surely get you into BIG TROUBLE!