About Me

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Approved instructor for Retired P. O.& LEOSA .Pa & NJ Approved instructor for NJ CCW. Also approved instructor for the following states non-resident CCW De, Fl, & Md. Retired Deputy Conservation Officer, N. J. Division of Fish & Wildlife, Bureau of Law Enforcement. Certified Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor; Handgun, Shotgun, Patrol Rifle, Certified Tactical Shooting Instructor, & RSO with over 25 years of experience. Certified by N.J.Police Training Commission, NRA Law Enforcement Division,& NRA Civilian Instructor Division. For information regarding Training Courses, Contact me @ 215 416 0750 or e-mail me @ rotac2@gmail.com

Monday, January 28, 2013



Let’s face it…
Our screwed up legal sys­tem has prac­ti­cally made it “open sea­son” on decent, respon­si­ble gun own­ers by often­times send­ing US to jail just for pro­tect­ing our homes and our loved ones.Legal self defense cases are show­ing that jusctice is not always served.Take the case of Den­nis Flem­ing for example…Ear­lier this year, Flem­ing (61), of New Hamp­shire, returned home to find his house had been burglarized.For­tu­nately, he could see the bur­glar in the progress of crawl­ing out of his neighbor’s win­dow as he went for his sec­ond hit.Grab­bing his .38 cal­iber hand­gun, Flem­ing raced out­side to con­tront the crim­i­nal and yelled “FREEZE!”He then fired a “warn­ing shot” safely into the ground and held the 27 y.o. bur­glar at gun­point until the police arrived.“I didn’t think I could han­dle this guy phys­i­cally, so I fired into the ground.” said Fleming.Sounds like a solid case of upstand­ing cit­i­zen doing his duty to take another scum­bag off the street, right?But when the police arrived, not only did they take the bur­glar into custondy……they arrested 61 y.o. Flem­ing too!
Why?Well, even though no one was hurt in this inci­dent, the offi­cial charge was “Reck­less Con­duct” and, found guilty, Flem­ing could face about the same sen­tenc­ing as the thug he caught red-handed!“I didn’t know it was ille­gal to fire into the ground. I have 14 grand­chil­dren.  I don’t want to be a felon and go to jail” con­tin­ued Flem­ing in his statement.As it turned out, Flem­ing was even­tu­ally let go but was racked with legal expenses and the emo­tional scars of being branded a “crim­i­nal” for doing noth­ing more than what he felt was a safe way to stop a crime in progress.Here’s the impor­tant les­son you must understand…
Fir­ing a “warn­ing shot” — even if the bul­let never hits any­thing or any­one — may actu­ally be con­sid­ered “ille­gal” by your local law enforce­ment and court prosecutors.Think about it…How many acci­den­tal mur­ders have hap­pened because of “stray bullets”?Lots!For that rea­son, laws have been put in place that are very clear about when you can pull the trigger.You must NEVER for­get that our legal sys­tem is about the “law” — plain and simple.And if there’s any chance you’ve bro­ken that law, it’s the cops’ job to place you into custody.When that hap­pens, your fate may then be placed in the hands of a jury who will hear argu­ments about how “wrong” you were in your actions.In fact, it’s the pros­e­cut­ing attorney’s job to do every­thing in his power to make sure you’re found “GUILTY”!
While this case turned out ok for Flem­ing (who lived on a farm house in the coun­try with lit­tle around him), you may not be so lucky.So pay close attention…The ONLY time you should fire your weapon is in self defense when you feel your life is in danger.\The “warn­ing shot” myth that so many peo­ple think is ok, could be that one wrong move you make that could land you in prison for the rest of your life.Respon­si­bly armed cit­i­zens should NEVER have to face prison time for tak­ing up arms against an attacker.For more infor­ma­tion on how to pro­tect your legal rights in a shoot­ing inci­dent, go towww.BulletproofDefenseDVD.com.
The con­tents cov­ered on this video may save your life… AND may keep you out of prison if you ever have to use your gun for self defense!

Friday, January 25, 2013

The Rotac Training Group: TRAINING MANUAL PICS # 1

The Rotac Training Group: TRAINING MANUAL PICS # 1

The Rotac Training Group: TRAINING MANUAL PICS # 2

The Rotac Training Group: TRAINING MANUAL PICS # 2

The Rotac Training Group: TRAINING MANUAL PICS # 3

The Rotac Training Group: TRAINING MANUAL PICS # 3

The Rotac Training Group: TRAINING MANUAL PICS # 4

The Rotac Training Group: TRAINING MANUAL PICS # 4

The Rotac Training Group: My first Published Article

The Rotac Training Group: My first Published Article: Been meaning to post this for awhile. It is an article that I had written for a magazine not to long ago. I WILL BE PUBLISHING MONTHLY AR...

The Rotac Training Group: FOOD FOR THOUGHT!

The Rotac Training Group: FOOD FOR THOUGHT!: "Speed is fine, but accuracy is final. You must learn to be slow in a hurry." -----Wyatt Earp

The Rotac Training Group: GREAT INFORMATION!


Thursday, January 24, 2013


Received this via e-mail from a very close colleague.  Because of their notorious history of not giving all the facts when they are making up the news, excuse me, reporting the new.  I always question the actual accountability of the Main Stream Media. This is a little different report of what actually happened on that horrific day at the Sandy Hook Elementary School.  You be the judge, Facts or Fiction!


Good Information

This was provided to be by my very good friends at the Double Action Shooting Range, Yeadon, Pa.

Concealed Carry Considerations - NSSF Shooting Sportscast


Besides the valuable information that is being provided, the hands on demonstration of how to safely handle a firearm is exceptional!

Monday, January 21, 2013


Left Click on the last line on the bottom, and Click on "GO TO LINK" 
Can't get enough of this guy's videos. He does a great job putting things into prospective, about emotions, reason and logic. We need people like this in public office, not just for firearms rights, but for all manor of civilities.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Gun Appreciation Day, 1/19/2013

I strongly believe that the success of these rallies yesterday across the country will WAKE-UP our naive lawmakers.  If this doesn't make them understand that the law-biding citizens of this great country will not allow the 2ND AMENDMENT to be messed with, then they better be prepared for their political careers to go down "IN FLAMES"!  They need to stop being in DENIAL regarding the social problems we are faced with in this country today and start focusing their energy on fixing them.  The "GUNS" are not the problem!  Just look at the violence that is portrayed in Movies and TV Shows and the games that available to the children of the world.  These games are almost as effective as the training simulators that are used for training our Police and Military, in order to desensitize and condition them to effectively engage in deadly force encounters.  The difference is that in Police and Military training there is a shut off switch built in, called DISCIPLINE!  The individuals are also adults that know the difference between RIGHT & WRONG, not children that are not yet quite capable or able of distinguishing the difference between fantasy and reality.  More GUN CONTROL LAWS are not going to solve the problems we are faced with today and GUN FREE ZONES are only a invitation to any criminal or nut ball that
 decides that they want to takes their problems out on innocent people.  If  GUN CONTROL LAWS are the solution then the city of CHICAGO, IL ( which has some of the toughest GUN LAW  in the country) should be considered the model city of their effectiveness.  However you can plainly see from the murder rate stats of that city, THEY DON'T WORK!!!  

Excellent Demonstration

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Picked this up off of Facebook.  This could not be made any clearer or truthful!

Worth a read, a like and a share!!!! Thanks Marsha. 

I am the face of the American gun owner. I am not a monster. I do not want to shoot anyone. Even if you break into my home and threaten my family I do not want to shoot you. I will because you have forced me to, but it is not something I will relish. 

Those who have never thought about this don't realize that when you are forced to do this, you lose a bit of yourself also. Which do you think is more traumatic? Being a bad guy and aggressor, preying on others and eventually getting shot, or being an ordinary person, going about your average life, and suddenly being thrust into a situation where to preserve that ordinary life you are forced to take another. 

Owning a gun and knowing how to use it is a great responsibility that comes with many rules of safety. Being a thug has no rules. To shoot another person requires you to go against the rules of safety you have been taught, and that in and of itself adds to the trauma of defending yourself. Please remember that although we as gun owners sometimes speak cavalierly about our guns, we do understand the full weight and responsibility of that ownership. 

The average gun owner is a parent. When we speak about gun education for children, we do not mean the safe handling of guns. Quite the opposite. We think all children should be taught STOP, Don't touch, Leave the area, and Tell an adult. This should be taught in all schools, everywhere, to all children. You never know when the thug will run from police, cut through the park and throw his gun on the playground. Your child could be the one to find it. Have you taught them what to do? Just because you don't own one doesn't mean they'll never find one. 

The average gun owner is also a patriot. We love our country. We work hard and understand our parents and grandparents did also. We respect the constitution and the rights it affords. Even the right to make us all out as unintelligent beer drinking neanderthals. And we want those rights, ALL of them, protected for the future. 

It is easy for some to vilify us as a group, but we are individuals. We have faces, we are your friends, your family, your neighbors. We are also gun owners.
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Friday, January 11, 2013


 Full size Glock W/Dedicated light
  Compact or Sub Compact Glock

UPDATED, 1/15/13

As I have mentioned in the past I am a strong believer, if you carry a gun for self defense, that the gear you choose is just as important as the gun you choose.  It is my opinion the "HAT TRICK" is the GUN, HOLSTER, & THE BELT.  Without getting to far into that subject in this article I would like to to show you a couple of new holsters that my very good friend Roger Joseph has developed and can be made up for any handgun that you would prefer.  These holstered are designed for Inside the Belt Carry.  They are light weight, pre-molded for good retention, and a fast and efficient presentation of the gun from the holster.  Because they are pre-molded it makes for a safe and efficient recovery to the holster using only your strong hand.  For a complete look at the selection of holsters please go to Roger's web site, WWW.ROGERSCUSTOMKYDEXHOLSTERS.US or e-mail him, BIGROGEBAY@YAHOO.COM or call him @ 610-721-0782

Thursday, January 10, 2013








Posted on January 8, 2013, 8:00 PM, under New Jersey, Politics.
gun-controlEarlier today, in an abbreviated legislative session because of the Joint Session of the Legislature for Governor Christie’s State of the State Address, liberal New Jersey Democrats managed to introduce 18 new Gun Control bills in an effort to further deprive you of your 2nd Amendment right.
While the exact language of some of the bills will not be available until tomorrow at the earliest, the remainder will be available next week; the titles of them are scary enough.
All of them appear to be a massive expansion of Government intrusion into the private lives of law abiding New Jersey citizens and their families if you wish to exercise your 2nd Amendment right.  Until the specific language of the bills becomes available, presumably starting tomorrow, it is difficult to determine if any part of any of these bills will curb violence, much less gun violence; or even curtail criminal activity at all.
The 18 new bills and their titles are listed below.
You can follow Rob Eichmann on Twitter:
A-3645/S-2476  Requires ammunition sales and transfers be conducted as face-to-face transactions.
A-3646/S-2474  Establishes a regulatory system to govern the sale and transfer of ammunition.
A-3653 Criminalizes purchasing or owning weapon if person has previous conviction of unlawful possession of weapon.
A-3659 Revises definition of destructive device to include certain weapons of 50 caliber or greater.
A-3664 Reduces lawful maximum capacity of certain ammunition magazines in New Jersey.
A-3666/S-2465 Prohibits mail order, Internet, telephone, and any other anonymous method of ammunition sale or transfer in New Jersey.
A-3667 Requires mental health screening by licensed professional to purchase a firearm.
A-3668/S-2467 Prohibits investment by State of pension and annuity funds in companies manufacturing, importing, and selling assault firearms for civilian use.
A-3676 Requires psychological evaluation and in-home inspection as prerequisite to purchase firearm.
A-3687 Disqualifies person named on federal Terrorist Watchlist from obtaining firearms identification card or permit to purchase handgun.
A-3688 Requires mental health evaluation and list of household members with mental illness to purchase firearm.
A-3689 Requires security guards who carry weapons to wear certain uniform, including identification card.
A-3690/S-2430 Declares violence a public health crisis, recommends expansion of mental health programs, recommends federal adoption of gun control measures, and establishes “Study Commission on Violence.”
AJR-89 Urges President and US Senate to ratify Arms Trade Treaty proposed by United Nations.
AR-133 Expresses support for creation of task force on gun control led by Vice President Biden.
S-2464 Regulates sale and transfer of rifle and shotgun ammunition.
S-2475 Reduces maximum capacity of ammunition magazines to 10 rounds.
SR-92 Urges Congress to strengthen gun control laws.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Please share this information on your FaceBook page in the hope that other folks in the “I support the 2nd Amendment, but don’t want people to have AR15 rifles” crowd get a better real understanding of the issues at stake. 
If we don’t get these folks involved and on our side, the 2nd Amendment will eventually be completely eroded. There is so much misinformation put out there by the gun-grabbers and then repeated by the media. Let's take a moment to clear up some of that misinformation.

1) Civilian AR-15 rifles are NOT the same automatic weapons the Military has. The military has fully automatic weapons. Civilian AR-15s in production today do NOT. They shoot one shot per trigger pull, just like a semi auto hunting rifle. I know often the when the media makes commentary they show B-roll video in the background of a machine gun shooting and spraying, but that is not how civilian AR-15 rifles operate.

2) Civilian AR-15 rifles (or similar) has the same type of internals as your semi auto deer rifle. Civilian type "assault" rifles function the exact same way as deer hunting rifles. They just look different. 

3) Even the term “assault” rifle is gun grabber sensationalism parroted by the media. “Assault” weapons are fully automatic (select fire), and they have been heavily regulated since the 1930s, and civilian manufacturer has been completely outlawed almost 30 years ago!!

4) ”AK-47s” have already been banned from manufacture from civilians, also almost 30 years ago. Again the civilian look-a-like rifles have the same type of semi auto internals as your hunting rifle. Different cosmetics, same type of mechanics.

5) An AR15 (or similar) is NOT a “high powered rifle”. I guess it depends on what you want to categorize as “high power”, but these rifles shoot some of the smallest rifle cartridges in the market. Deer rifles are a LOT more powerful than any of these rifles. And soon the gun-grabbing crowd will recategorize your deer rifle as a “high powered sniper rifle”. That is how this political movement works.

6) A hunting shotgun is a LOT more lethal in these close quarter mass killings of unarmed innocent people than any semi auto rifle. Anyone with extensive firearms training and experience will confirm that.

The politicians know these new laws will NOT stop these types of mass killings. They even admit it! But they want to pass them anyway because it serves their greater mission of effectively neutering the second amendment. The leaders in this movement actually DON’T WANT these laws to work (even if they would) because when they are shown ineffective, they now have the political momentum to pass more ineffective laws, and grab more guns.

This is all part of a broader gun grab, done slowly, in increments, over time, until the Second Amendment is just a bunch of meaningless outdated words on an old piece of parchment.

When a sociopath chooses that shotgun or hunting rifle in the next horrific event, you are the legislature’s next target.

The philosophy of “We need to pass more laws to stop sociopathic criminals from breaking our laws” is effective because most Americans are not really paying attention to these details. (Please read that line twice) Please help to educate the public with this information.

Also it should be noted, the 2nd Amendment has NOTHING to do with hunting, fishing, competitive shooting, “sporting purposes”, racquet ball, swimming, camping, etc. The 2nd Amendment (and the entire Bill of Rights) is to preserve a balance of power between the citizens and their government.