Hello everyone, haven't had to much time to sit down and post anything. We had some pretty horrendous events happen in the past few weeks. The Ft. Hood incident, and then the killing of the four police officers in Washington State. There have been 15 police officer killed in multiple attacks in 2009. It goes without saying but we live in a really screwed up world.
Now I know why I keep myself in the condition yellow state of mind,(Professional Paranoia). Things happen so so fast today, that if you are not in any type of awareness level other the white, then you are really putting yourself at a really bad disadvantage point. Your Mindset is what is probably going to keep you alive should you find yourself in that spontaneous
VCI, (
Incident). So how do you prepare yourself for that day that you never expect to happen? This is where it starts. always expect the unexpected to happen. To use a quote from one of my all time favorite movies, Ronin, "When in Doubt, There is No Doubt".
First you should always be aware of where you are and who is around you. Make that conscience effort to check and look at your surroundings. Sounds like the familiar Quote, "Look Before You Leap". When something just doesn't look right AVOID IT! WE ALL HAVE THAT SIXTH SENSE. You know when the hairs behind your neck stand up. There is a reason for that . It's your personal radar, telling you that something is just not right. So iF you have the opportunity, GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE! The worst thing about getting yourself into a confrontation is that you cannot predict the out come. That means you can LOSE. I can probably talk about this all day but I won't. The important thing is to have some type of preplan and some form of basic survival training. Nothing that is so elaborate that your Conscience mind, (fore brain) has to take that unnecessary time to analyze. But something that your Sub-Conscience mind, (mid brain) will render instantly to help you protect yourself.